About my Ancient Knowledge, Recovery, and Clarity Mala

About my Ancient Knowledge, Recovery, and Clarity Mala

✨Ancient knowledge, recovery from loss, and calming clarity Mala✨

‼️Aids in Mental clarity, focus and positive energy.
‼️Brings comfort, love, grounding and protection (amplified by the star cut Crystal Quartz)
‼️Aids in letting go of past trauma, sadness, loneliness, and despair
‼️Brings Ancient knowledge, and deep grounding connections to Mother Earth

✨This Mala has 108 main stones, and 10 section gemstones. The gemstones are natural, and genuine. The main focal, pendant stone is a large rare Botswana Agate. Going up from the pendant is copper spacer beads, Dzi stones, White Jade star cut section beads, Jadite, Blue Chalcedony, Aqua Terra Agate, Fossil Crinoid, pink Rhodonite, Pink Zebra Jasper, and one large star cut crystal quartz stone. The tassel has champagne hematite, and small star cut Howlite stones.

✨This Mala meditation, prayer necklace is custom made, and one of a kind, custom designed by me. Its beautiful, and strong, with powerful vibrations. ❤️ Please read below to see all the healing properties of these gemstones.

✨Stone meanings - In order, starting with the large pendant stone✨

❤️Large Rare Botswana agate pendant stone - This pendant is freeform in shape, with a brilliant cut that makes this stone sparkle. It’s a banded agate with dark, and light grays and hints of pink. This stone brings grounding, and calming energy. This comforting, and protective stone is great for anyone who is feeling loneliness, or recovering from a loss. It brings clarity to the mind, and helps you connect deeply with your inner intuition. It transforms negative energy into positive energy, enhances perception, and improves concentration, while providing us the courage to embark on life’s next journey. This stone really spoke to me when I was picking out a new set of stones recently. It particularly connects with Gemini (which I am, and didn't even know that about the stones when I picked them! Which just goes to show you, that stones really do choose you. When a stone calls to you, there is a reason.)

❤️ *Dzi stones are known to bring good luck, ward off evil, and attract prosperity, and success. They have a long, long history in Tibet. It is said that the people of ancient Tibet believed the Dzi stones to be gifts from the Gods, sent to protect them in battle. They are still passed down in families from generation, to generation to this day. I have them in white, and shades of green. There is a lot more information, and history about them, but I simply don't have the space!

❤️The star cut section beads are White Jade - White Jade Represents healing and stability. Its soothes and encourages us to stop, and be present. It resonates with the crown chakra. It has gentle energy, that promotes harmony, and serenity.

❤️Green Jadeite - Is known to promote the flow of positive energy. Its soothes the mind, guards against harm, and brings good luck to all who wear it. It’s revered for symbolizing well-being, longevity and the healing properties of Mother Earth.

❤️Blue Chalcedony - Is known to be a wonderful stone for communication during prayer, or meditation. Some believe it can aid in treatment of OCD, bipolar, Autism, and Alzheimer’s. Its also said to promote peace within, clear your mind, and ease self doubt. Its aids in releasing anger, and anxiety, allowing you to feel stable, and at peace. After relieving your anxiety, and uncertainty, you are free to think clearly, and feel settled.

❤️Sea Foam Green Aqua Terra Agate - These are one of my favorite stones! They are so beautiful to look at with all the different blends of colors, and patterns. Aqua Terra - meaning “water earth” brings inner peace, clarity, love, and calm. They are said to block EMF fields, and relieve stress. They are one of the “supreme nurturers” that are said to ease pain, and despair.

❤️Fossil Crinoid beads - (see the pic above) These stones are actual fossils! Made from the ancient fossil group, crinoids are also sometimes called “sea lilies.” These fossilized creatures date back to 300 million years before the dinosaurs! As one of the first life forms on Earth, these fossil stones represent the beauty, and interconectiveness of all living beings. Sometimes known as the “survival stone” bringing the ancient knowledge of the sea, and its creatures, lending us the knowledge, and wisdom of the past.

❤️Pink Rhodonite - Pink Rhodonite (earthy pink and black matrix) - Its said to open the wearer to unconditional compassion, and love. It’s an emotional balancer, removes scars from the past, and nurtures love. Its one of the most powerful stones for love, compassion, and forgiveness. ( Some images appear more red, than pink, but it is more natural dark pink).

❤️Pink Zebra Jasper - Soothes the soul, and calms insecurities. Heart Chakra, this stone allows you to truly enjoy life, and embrace uncertainty with ease.

❤️Star cut Howlite (below the large pendant stone, on the tassels.) with electroplated champagne hematite - Promotes serenity of the mind, and empties the mind of distracting thoughts. It teaches patience, and helps to eliminate rage, fear, pain, and stress.

❤️The last stone - Clear star cut Crystal Quartz - cleanses, and brings mental clarity. Its known as the “master healer” clearing your mind, body and and spirit of all the negative. It naturally amplifies positive energies of other stones around it with high vibrations. Its clears your energy, your mind, and body, bringing clarity, and energy!

❤️The Spacer beads throughout are copper!

💖Gemstones choose you, so if this necklace is calling to you, it knows you need her. I hope whomever gets this magical Mala gains comfort, and healing from her.

✨Thank you for reading about my beautiful stones!

‼️Mandatory Disclaimer - I strive to ensure quality, genuine gemstones, by using only sustainable, responsible, ethically sourced, fair trade, manufacturers out of the USA. I take care to order from companies that mine responsibly, striving to leave the earth, and surrounding communities, as untouched as possible. These are genuine gemstones from the earth, only cut and drilled, leaving you with a beautiful, natural gem.
💕Although many believe gemstones to have natural abilities, this product is not designed to diagnose, or treat any physical, emotional, or mental illness.

❤️Thank you so much for coming to my small shop! Every purchase brings me, and my family one step closer to achieving our small business dreams. These items are made by me (and some of the metal flowers which are made by my father) with love, intention, and gratitude. All the jewelry at my shop are custom designed by me. Please, come again soon!
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