About Me & My Little Company

This small business has quite the origin story. Read about how Wisp and Willows Co. was created, and why.

Hi, I'm Elle!

In 2022 I found myself in the worst possible situation in life- a divorce. My family, whom I loved more than life was being torn apart, and with it, my life. It was unexpected, unwanted, and devastating. My family, and their happiness, meant everything to me. The worst part was my husband never told us why. I had quit my high powered medical career to have our children, and was finally able to be a stay at home mom, after years of supporting my husband while he worked his way up in his new career.

Then, 3 months into being home with my kids, my husband decided our life was no longer what he wanted. I was left in a horrible situation. I no longer had the same career to go back to, and if I did, I would be away from my kids for long 8-15 hour days, on call weekends at the hospital, and they would be in perpetual day care. I had my first child when I was young, and was a single mom who had already done all that. I told my husband when we got married if we had children, I never wanted them to have to grow up the way I did, and the way their oldest sister did. He agreed we would always make it work so that they would never have to grow up with nanny's, and day care. I know more than most, "you do what you have to do" I had done it all before, but being faced with the idea that I'd have to relive a painful history, I spiraled.

All my fears were coming true. I was a single mom again, with 3 children, no income, and an now ex-husband that wouldn't even provide his step-child with health insurance. It was like 8 years of our life together suddenly meant nothing. He wouldn't even include his step daughter (to whom he was the only father she ever knew) in the divorce paperwork. She suddenly didn't exist. She was devastated, and at one point suicidal.  

I couldnt leave her alone, and I didn't want to go back to work at the hospital, my two youngest children weren't even in school yet. I wept, and wept some more, but then I realized something that I used to know so intimately. "I cant control what others do, only how I react to their decisions. I can't change the past, and in the end, you can only really rely on yourself." 

Lets time travel to 2006 (You made it this far, why not?)

I've never been one to give up. NEVER. I had my first child at 18 and was told "We thought you would do so much, see the world. Now, you wont be able to do any of it." F@ck that. I took a opening my mother provided me in the Hospital at 19 and worked my way up. I became a Adult Cardiac Echo Sonographer, by 20 I traveled Italy, France, and England. By 21 Mexico, Canada, and Ireland from coast to coast, and many, many states in the US. All while raising my daughter alone. I decided to go to college at 23 for arts, literature, psychology, and poetry, to my surprise I was getting 100's in each class, and was put on a honor roll. I'd never really tried very hard in high school. I managed to get mostly A's, and B's without much effort, but the classes I took in college interested me. I worked 12 hour days, and went to school 12 hours the next day. I loved it, and for the first time in my life, I thought "hey, maybe I'm smart." 

While I studied art, and psychology by day, I studied, and received my licenses in Adult sonography, Pediatric Sonography, Adult and Pediatric Congenital sonography, and learned sonography in pre and post heart transplant, and congenital repair. I was the youngest in my field. You don't make friends being the youngest in a field, let me tell you. But I kept at it. I bought my first home at 19, then went on to buy and sell many others. I was smart, I didn't buy big TV's or gadgets. I saved for trips. Some with my little lady, and once a year a trip just for me. While my friends were finishing college, and starting careers, I had already had mine. It wasn't easy being stuck in so many worlds. I didn't fit in with my 50+ year old co workers world, and I didn't fit in with my 20+year old friends world either. I've always seemingly been lost in time. 

I met my future husband at 26, and thought "I actually found someone who is so true, gentle, loving, and loyal, I really believe we could make it through time, and eternal together."  I couldn't wait to marry him. I couldn't wait to have a partner who wanted a family as much as I did. We went on an Alaskan cruise for my 28th birthday, and after zip-lining in the Alaskan forest over silly black bears relaxing in the sun, I turned my camera around to see him standing in front of me, holding a ring. He didnt say anything, I didnt say anything. I was shocked!

You see at this time, he was out of work due to an injury, and I was paying all the bills. I had told him I didnt need a diamond. I would take a string. I just wanted to start our family together. But, there it was, a beautiful sparkling diamond in a art decco setting that was unique, and wonderful. Turns out he had sold a lot of things he had to buy it for me. I asked "Is there something you wanted to ask me?" haha he was so nervous. He asked me to marry him, and of course, I said "yes." The fairy tale began, and continued for 7 more years. We had a quick wedding that I made almost everything for. You see my beloved aunt was passing away due to cancer, and I wanted her to be able to attend ONE more family gathering before she passed. So I got everything together in 3 months! My passion for creating, and decorating exploded. It was very stressful, but I loved every moment of it. 

I never really wanted to be a health care worker. I loved my patients, and I loved my job, but I hated working in corporate America. I hated how you could do exactly what you were told to do, but be used as a scape goat anytime someone higher up than you didn't want to take responsibility for their own mistakes. Im not a "keep quiet, and do what you're told" kind of girl. I'm a "point out the obvious misuse, and abuse of power, while I shame my boss for having a serious lack of integrity," kind of girl. It's just how I was raised. Cowboy values. Say what you mean, and do what you say you're going to do, and you DON'T pass the buck. You take responsibility for your actions. (Something my now EX-husband apparently never learned)   

I hated the corruption, the schmoozing, the lack of integrity. Above all, I really hated working the same structured hours, being on call for days never knowing when you'd have to leave at a moments notice. I wasn't made for it. I was made with the wind. Crafted from all things colorful, and light. I was made to create. I was made to be an artist. 

Let's fast forward again to 2022. (I did say this was "about me" so you're getting the whole enchilada.) 

I'm weeping, the kids are weeping, everyone is weeping. Basically, it's a sad time. At the same time, I needed a plan. You can only cry so long, before you have to pull yourself up, say "Enough is enough, what now?" I was living in the Valley of Arizona (which for you folks that are from out of town, that means the cities just outside of Phoenix) I had no one. My WHOLE family (im talking cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, brother, everyone) had made a mass exodus to a little mountain town in Northern Arizona called Payson. I said "why not" and moved my little family up there too. I was still in a rough spot though, I dont have income, My ex is giving us a "allowance" that didnt even cover the bills, and I didnt know what I was going to do. My folks had just bought a new small house that had a small building in the back that used to be a tiny dance studio. The place was small, but it was all windows except ONE wall that was entirely a mirror. To this day my mother refuses to let me take the mirror down claiming, somehow this mirror is integral to the foundation of the house. Even the roof had a sky light. It was everything I needed. It was light, surrounded by tall old pine trees, and nature. It just didnt have water, or plumbing...But it had WIFI and electricity! I had always wanted to build a tiny home off grid. This was an opportunity. I created a makeshift sink with gray water reserve, and installed a composting toilet. I grabbed my electric fireplace from my home in the valley, and got to work creating a kitchen, bedrooms that converted into other things, and the most unique storage you'll ever see. I made it a home, and soon, it would also be a workspace. You don't need much to be happy. Just love, and a little room. My oldest was a teenager, and opted for some privacy by having her own room in the main house, and my little ones bunked with me, in the "Tiny House." They love it here. Its our everything. Its a movie theater, a kitchen for cookies (which you can make with a toaster oven), a comfy bed, a work studio, a play room, its everything. Our now lovingly named "Tiny House" is at the top of a hill, it looks out, (and up) to pine trees, elks that swing by, and all kinds of other woodland creatures. 

As I looked upon what I had created, and snuggled in bed with my kiddos, I decided what I wanted my future to look like. I wanted to be an artist again. I wanted to create things that brought light and happiness to peoples lives, that brought nature to peoples lives. I was going to start my own business. 

I thought about that kids movie "Brave" and how she followed the "wisps" to her destiny (a wisp is a little light creature that finds you in the woods and can lead you to your destiny, or mischief) and I thought of a willow tree at my friends house when I was a kid. How I used to lay under it, almost hidden by its hanging branches, and how I felt safe. Thus, Wisp & Willows Co. was born. Follow the Wisp through the willows, and find some magic. I followed my heart to the mountains, met some AMAZING folks, my kids get to fish, and watch elk, and play in the forest. There is magic here. In the trees, in the rocks, (which BTW i've found jasper, AZ diamonds, quartz and more!) in the snow (we never knew snow, and she's lovely) in the animals. I try to bottle that magic up for you, in all my custom pieces. 

Right now, this is a shop of 2. Myself, and my father who makes amazing works of art with PURE copper and brass. I make jewelry, macrame, cement work, dried flower, and wood home decor, and more. There is always something new to create. My hope is to hire on some other single moms that want to do what i'm doing. Creating, designing, being home with my kids, teaching them to make things, to problem solve, to garden, to love nature. Showing them by example, that you can achieve your dreams if you never take "no" for an answer, and you FIND A WAY. There is always a way. 


I started my business April of 2023, met people, gained clients, and started expanding. Making more than I could handle, and trying to find my niche. I still haven't settled on ONE thing I make. I probably never will. But what I have discovered is this, I make things for life, and home with natural elements, that ground you, bring nature in, and filter some of the daily noise out. I'm an artist, a mom, a healer, a listener, a innovator, an explorer, and a friend. I'm Lynsey, but my friends call me Elle. I'm here to bring some light to your life. If you call me, we will probably talk for hours. I'll ask about your life, your family, because I care about each one of my clients. Some of my custom orders will take a week to make, some will take 6. But you wont just gain a new item, you'll gain a custom piece of art, made by a friend. If you're a single mom, or just a entrepreneur, and you'd like to join the team, send me a message! I'm just a small fry right now, but this small fry has big plans. 

I invite you to browse my site, let me know if you see any problems (remember, its all me lol website design, packaging, creating, social media, inventory, ALL ME) I love feedback! Happy shopping friends. 

Elle my two littles, and my oldest (who's almost 18!!)  

Keep an eye out for my Blog, I plan to show things i'm working on (much like social media) How to make things i've made, and other shop updates! Catch me (begrudgingly) on social media:

Tiktok & Insta : Wisp_and_willows_
FB: Wisp and Willows Co. 
E-mail: wispandwillows2023@gmail.com
Phone (calls or text) 928-362-0420 
