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108 bead gemstone mala rare natural healing stone necklace wrapped bracelet jewelry gift for her meditation yoga practice mala prayer bangle

108 bead gemstone mala rare natural healing stone necklace wrapped bracelet jewelry gift for her meditation yoga practice mala prayer bangle

Regular price $68.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $68.00 USD
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✨Ancient knowledge, recovery from loss, and calming clarity Mala✨

‼️Aids in Mental clarity, and positive energy
‼️Brings comfort, love, grounding and protection (amplified by the star cut Crystal Quartz)
‼️Aids in letting go of past trauma, and emotional stability
‼️Calms insecurity, and improves self esteem

✨This Mala has 108 main stones, and 7 section gemstones. The gemstones are natural, and genuine. The main focal, pendant stone is a large Cherry Blossom Agate. Going up from the pendant is copper spacer beads, magnesite stones, star cut crystal Quartz section beads, pink Zebra Jasper, dark gray Maifan, Jadite, green Maifan, light and dark banded gray lace agate. The tassel is suede, and the spacer beads are copper.

✨This Mala meditation, prayer necklace is custom made, and one of a kind, custom designed by me. Its beautiful, and strong, with powerful vibrations. ❤️ Please read below to see all the healing properties of these gemstones.

✨Stone meanings - In order, starting with the large pendant stone✨

❤️Large Cherry blossom Agate - Beacuse of this stones “blooming” patterns, it’s said to help us mature and grow, blooming into who, and what we should be. Also called “sakura agate” this stone is thought to help people succeed, gain emotional growth, and restore balance. It brings confidence, and nurtures you, especially after trauma, or stress.

❤️Magnesite- Is said to bring balance, hope, and grounding, aiding one who wears it to have more self-esteem, and wisdom. This stone is perfect for deep mediation.

❤️The star cut Clear Crystal Quartz - cleanses, and brings mental clarity. It’s known as the “master healer” clearing your mind, body and spirit of all the negative. It naturally amplifies positive energies of other stones around it with high vibrations. Its clears your energy, your mind, and body, bringing clarity, and energy!

❤️Pink Zebra Jasper - Soothes the soul, and calms insecurities. Heart Chakra, this stone allows you to truly enjoy life, and embrace uncertainty with ease.

❤️ Maifan / maifanite - calming grounding stone that enhances meditation, and promotes emotional stability. Some believe it to be the “wizards stone” having the power to invoke magic. It’s a strongly absorptive stone known to remove heavy metals from water, and release good minerals. It’s said to be a luck stone, perfect to use when you feel your luck has been unsteady. It assists in clearing the mind, giving you clarity.

❤️Green Jadeite - Is known to promote the flow of positive energy. Its soothes the mind, guards against harm, and brings good luck to all who wear it. It’s revered for symbolizing well-being, longevity and the healing properties of Mother Earth.

❤️Light and dark banded gray lace agate - A comforting, and soothing stone that is especially useful for those who have suffered any kind of trauma. It stabilizes emotional turmoil, improves concentration, and bring courage. It’s grounding, and protective, warding off dark energy.

❤️The Spacer beads throughout are copper!

💖Gemstones choose you, so if this necklace is calling to you, it knows you need her. I hope whomever gets this magical Mala gains comfort, and healing from her.

✨Thank you for reading about my beautiful stones!

‼️Mandatory Disclaimer - I strive to ensure quality, genuine gemstones, by using only sustainable, responsible, ethically sourced, fair trade, manufacturers out of the USA. I take care to order from companies that mine responsibly, striving to leave the earth, and surrounding communities, as untouched as possible. These are genuine gemstones from the earth, only cut and drilled, leaving you with a beautiful, natural gem.
💕Although many believe gemstones to have natural abilities, this product is not designed to diagnose, or treat any physical, emotional, or mental illness.

❤️Thank you so much for coming to my small shop! Every purchase brings me, and my family one step closer to achieving our small business dreams. These items are made by me (except the metal flowers which are made by my father) with love, intention, and gratitude. All the jewelry at my shop are custom designed by me. Please, come again soon!

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