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Emotional trauma healing Gemstone mala breakup recovery tool wood Mala necklace layered bracelet jewelry gift for her meditation yoga supply

Emotional trauma healing Gemstone mala breakup recovery tool wood Mala necklace layered bracelet jewelry gift for her meditation yoga supply

Regular price $70.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $70.00 USD
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✨Past Emotional trauma healing, and support Mala Necklace
‼️Aids in Mental clarity, and positive energy.
‼️Brings comfort, soothes the overwhelmed, (amplified by the star cut Crystal Quartz)
‼️Builds inner strength, and resilience, comforts a heavy heart
‼️Quiets the inner negative voice that leads to self sabotage.

One of a kind, Handmade, custom Mala necklace, with healing stones that focus on healing emotional trauma, feelings of being overwhelmed, eliminates fear, pain, stress, and anxiety, while bringing comfort, clarity, healing, positive energy, joy, and hope.

✨It has 108 main beads made of gemstone, and Thuja wood. The gemstones, and wood are real, and genuine. The main focal, pendant stone is light orange Lepidocrocite Quartz. Going up from the pendant are small spacer stones that are champagne colored hematite, they are round and faceted, with a star cut crystal quartz stone in between. The first section is white Howlite, then light pink blooming Agate, pink Rose Quartz, beryl stones, blue Aquamarine, more Howlite, and then fragrant Thuja wood.

✨This Mala meditation, prayer necklace is custom made, and one of a kind. Only one for sale! Its beautiful, and strong with powerful vibrations. It comes with dangling champagne colored hematite tassels, and a half moon charm. ❤️ Please read below to see all the healing properties of these gemstones.

✨Stone meanings✨and Healing Properties of Thuja wood✨(You wont believe the history of Thuja wood, read to the bottom!)

❤️Lepidocrocite Quartz - Possesses soothing energies. It calms irrational fears, and anxieties, while releasing fear. It protects the wearer from negative energies while emitting positive healing energy.

❤️Howlite - Promotes serenity of the mind, and empties the mind of distracting thoughts. It teaches patience, and helps to eliminate rage, fear, pain, and stress.

❤️Pink blooming Agate - Aids in bringing inner peace, empathy, and joy. It helps you feel calm, while releasing stress, and anxiety. Its said to be the “ultimate energy shield.” Healing emotional trauma, while boosting confidence, and support.

❤️Pink Rose Quartz - Rose quartz is known for bringing love, easing pain, and calming nerves. Its sometimes known as the “Stone of Unconditional Love.” It dissolves sorrow, worries, and fears that suppress one’s ability to give, and receive love. Its calming energy, and opens one’s heart to finding their soulmate. This bracelet is all about resolving heartbreak, and finding the love that everyone deserves. Truly peaceful, beautiful Gemstones.

❤️Beryl Stones - aids in quieting a negative inner voice, self sabotage, and heaps to heal deep trauma, and pain. It aids in overwhelming times, when the wearer’s mind is too preoccupied, and helps with the feelings of emotional fatigue. It calms, it comforts, it holds you when you cant stay up.

❤️Aquamarine - Brings happiness, hope, and everlasting youth. Its a stone of courage, that reduces stress, and calms the mind. Its helps build inner strength, and resilience. Its a great stone for emotional wellness. It balances emotions, calms the overactive mind, and uplifts.

❤️Clear Crystal Quartz - cleanses, and brings mental clarity. Its known as the “master healer” clearing your mind, body and and spirit of all the negative. It naturally amplifies positive energies of other stones around it with high vibrations. Its clears your energy, your mind, and body, bringing clarity, and energy!

❤️Thuja wood - Thuja is a Evergreen Coniferous tree, in the Cyprus family. Its been said to have been used in healing practices across the northeastern United States. Another name used in the Horticultural trade is “Arborvitae” which is Latin for “tree of life.” This is due to its supposed medicinal properties. All the parts of the tree, such as the leaves, seeds, bark, and sap, have been used for medicine for 100s of years. Its said to heal infections, cold sores, pain, abdominal issues, and more. Its said to have antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. Its oils have been used to detoxify, disinfect, aid in arthritis, boils, moles, and acne. It has been believed to be a sacred healing tree in many communities. There are literally over 200 uses for it. That is why I added thuja beads to this healing Mala.

💖Gemstones choose you, so if this necklace is calling to you, it knows you need her. I hope whomever gets this magical Mala gains comfort, and healing from her. Wood beads are natural diffusers. Essential oils may be dropped onto any of the wood beads, to bring even more healing to its wearer. It will not harm the wood. However, only 1-3 drops are needed, as the wood will hold the scent for a long time.

✨Thank you for reading about my beautiful stones, and the magic of Thuja wood!

‼️Mandatory Disclaimer - 💕I strive to ensure quality, genuine gemstones, by using only sustainable, responsible, ethically sourced, fair trade, manufacturers out of the USA. I take care to order from companies that mine responsibly, striving to leave the earth as untouched as possible. These are genuine gemstones from the earth, only cut and drilled, leaving you with a beautiful, gem.

💕Although many believe gemstones to have natural abilities, this product is not designed to diagnose, or treat any physical, emotional, or mental illness. The Thuja wood is meant to be used only as jewelry, and not for any medicinal purpose.

💕Thuja beads are safe to use as a essential oil diffuser, but only by adding 1-3 drops to the beads, and letting them dry. This item is not intended for children, as beads pose a choking risk. Thank you! Enjoy!

💕More malas:

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