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Home and body cleansing smudge bundle new home gift housewarming for protection rid negative energy natural cleansing sage Palo santo kit

Home and body cleansing smudge bundle new home gift housewarming for protection rid negative energy natural cleansing sage Palo santo kit

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✨Home and Body cleansing, and purification kit/bundle✨

✨This bundle includes a guide, and information on the included items, in each kit.

*One 4” Raw Selenite stick - Spiritually, Selenite is used to cleanse, and clear your aura, while purifying, and protecting your space. Not only does it cleanse you, and your space, it protects you from negative energies, and brings positive energies. It’s known to bring calm, clarity, and feelings of well being. Selenite is also used as a “charging crystal” because it is said to charge other gemstones when they are placed on or near selenite. It has connections with the crown, and 3rd eye chakra.

*One thick bundle of white sage - White Sage: Long known to be used in spiritual ceremonies and rituals, white sage is known to banish negative energies, and is said to clear up to 94% of airborn bacteria within a space. Its said to release negative ions which is linked to putting people into a positive mood. White sage has been used to cleanse, and clear homes of negative energies, and possible residual spirits.

*One stick of Palo Santo - This sacred wood is known to inspire creativity, and purify a space to allow a clear mind, and create a calm, and tranquil space. Its said to have air purifying properties due to the high resin content. It clears negative energies, as you move its smoke from corner to corner in the room, using the provided “smudge fan” to cleanse the area. Some choose to chant a thank you to the spirit of Palo Santo, or Mother Nature herself, and ask that she bless the space, clear it of negative energy, spirits, or anything that could be blocking positive energy, and white light. If chanting isn't your thing, a simple prayer, or positive intention, works just fine.

*One tube of protective blessed Himalayan Sea Salt - Used to create a barrier along window sills, or doorways to keep negative energies, or spirits away. Or, if you prefer, use the Himalayan sea salt to cleanse your aura in a warm bath. Pour the entire tube into your warm bath, lay back and relax while the salts clear your aura, and ease your muscles.

*One tube of Crystal Quartz infused anti anxiety mist, perfect to be taken with you wherever you go. Crystal quartz surrounds you in positive light, aids in clarity, and promotes energy. It cleanses your crown chakra, opening your mind, and amplifies your intentions. Quartz has been said to reduce puffiness, improve circulation, and promote lymphatic drainage when rolled along the face. This tube contains Witch Hazel, crystal quartz chips, and essential oils. I tend to choose calming scents to promote peace, and emotional harmony, however I have many scents to choose from, if you wish. If no scent is requested, I will use Lavender, or Eucalyptus. Please, reach out if you want a custom blend. For a more masculine scent, I recommend Virginia Cedar, and cinnamon. Its divine.

*One bundle of dried fragrant organic Lavender, which can be used in a small bottle, or you can pluck the lavender petals off, and put them into the provided pouch as a bed time aid. Place the lavender petals into the provided pouch, then place the pouch under your pillow for a calming sleep.

*One chunk of natural Raw yellow Calcite - Believed to be a “spiritual cleanser” yellow calcite is known to increase and amplify energy, deep relaxation, and opening of the mind. It reflects inner light and positive energy within you. Hold it in your hands while you focus your intentions, open your mind to inner, and outer positive energy, feel its vibrations move through you as it activates your 3rd eye (solar plexus). This Chakra governs our sense of purpose, happiness, self image, self-worth, self-confidence, and direction in life. Clearing your 3rd eye helps eliminate self-doubt, low self-esteem, negative thoughts, and energies. This aids in happiness, and sense of purpose. It’s a beautiful stone, with beautiful vibrations.

*One large “smudge fan” made from fluffy white Pampas, black bunny tail grass, preserved fragrant eucalyptus, and dried wildflowers. Use this fan to waft the smoke from your white sage, and Palo Santo. Fan the smoke into different parts of your home, while keeping your intentions in your mind. Then, if you desire, waft the smoke over head, letting it rain down upon you (do not put anything smoking or on fire over your head, use the fan to direct the smoke,) cleansing your mind, and body. Afterwards, use the bundle as decoration, a bouquet, or take the eucalyptus off, and tie them to the shower head for a spa treatment!

*One heart shaped worry stone. Not a gemstone, but still made of stone, it’s a handy tool for quelling anxiety in a pinch. Just rub between your fingers when you are anxious.

*Several Fragrant cinnamon sticks. These are super fragrant when broken, they release a lot of scent. They can also be scratched to release scent. Cinnamon has been said to be one of the most calming fragrances, and a perfect addition to a “Home and Body cleansing kit.” It can be added to essential oil reed diffusers, cracked and laid in a bowl as potpourri, or added to a floral arrangement. You can crack small pieces off, and add them to your anti anxiety mist. Just crack off some pieces, add to the mister, close and shake. When your mister is empty, you can make a new one, or remove the crystal quartz stones to use another way. Recharge them on your selenite stick, under the full moon, or in sunlight. You can recharge your selenite under the full moon, or in sunlight as well. (More ways to use Raw selenite will be included in the bundle, along with some healing body mister recipes!).

*Pendulum Gemstone - You will receive either a crystal quartz, rose quartz, or amethyst pendulum gemstone. Chosen by me. I think of my client, and pick the stone that calls strongest to me for you. Pendulum Gemstones have many uses, one of which is to unblock chakras, connect to your intuition, asking questions to your inner self, and heal. Some use them to ask questions of the spiritual world. A pendulums swing is a combination of kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy. It can also be used as a worry stone. The type of gemstone will also bring with it its unique qualities. Pendulums can be made of glass, wood, stone etc, But a gemstone pendulum will have the added benefit of whatever healing stone it is.

*Protection and grounding gemstone bracelet - This protection bracelet is made with a traditional white, or green Dzi center stone, selenite, and black onyx. This can be made with gold, rose, or silver spacers. It has an adjustable knot closure to fit comfortably on anyone. It’s not enough to cleanse your home of negative energy, I provided this protective, grounding natural gemstone bracelet to keep you protected, and grounded wherever you go. I make a lot of gemstone jewelry, if you would like different protection/grounding stones, contact me! I’ll show you options, and make you something custom that you will love.

~About your gemstones~
*Dzi stones are known to bring good luck, ward off evil, and attract prosperity, and success. They have a long, long history in Tibet. It is said that the people of ancient Tibet believed the Dzi stones to be gifts from the Gods, sent to protect them in battle. They are still passed down in families from generation, to generation to this day. I have them in white, and shades of green. There is a lot more information, and history about them, but I simply don't have the space!
*Selenite - A cleansing crystal, known to clear auras, charge other gemstones, and is said to heal aches when it’s laid on the affected area. Selenite is also known to ward off dark energy, and protect a space from dark spirits. More information about selenite, and the awesome things you can do with it will be included in the bundle/kit.
*Onyx Stones - Onyx is said to bring love, protection, grounding, and courage, while creating balance, and harmony.

💕Although many believe gemstones, Palo santo, sage, oils, to have natural abilities, this product is not designed to diagnose, or treat any physical, emotional, or mental illness. Use all items responsibly. If you have never used Palo Santo, or white sage, try it first outside to see how you react, before using inside. Please keep your space ventilated while burning Palo santo, or sage. Do not leave anything burning, or smoking unattended. Make sure both items are well extinguished after use. Have a bowl, shell, or ceramic plate available to catch ashes while burning. Use at your own risk. By using this product, you claim responsibility for it. None of these items are intended for children. Loose crystals can be a chocking hazard. Do not burn Palo Santo, or sage when children are present, Some children could be sensitive, or even allergic to it. Never leave anything burning, or smoking within the reach of a child. Sorry, mandatory disclaimers! Many blessings, and strong, peaceful vibrations to you!

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